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RIVA Solutions, Inc. (RIVA) announced today that it was been selected among the US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce (USPAACC) Fast 100 Asian American companies demonstrating resilience and performance with excellence, according to Ernst and Young who examined the applications.

RIVA CEO, Naveen Krishnamurthy attributes this award to the hard work and dedication of RIVA employees across the country. “My thanks goes out to our entire team; employees are the reason why we were selected to join this distinguished federal contracting community.”

Naveen looks forward to accepting the USPAAC award at the USPAAC Excellence Awards Reception on Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at the Marriott Bethesda North Hotel & Conference Center. He will be recognized, along with fellow Asian American business owners, for far-reaching vision, enduring qualities, and contributions to the economic vitality of American life. Together, this year’s Fast 100 together generated an annual revenue of $2.7billion, despite the economic challenges worldwide.