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Our latest contract is a ground-breaking Robotic Process Automation (RPA) work at the National Science Foundation(NSF), which aims to improve operations through the automation of repetitive tasks using NSF’s UIPath capability. Our RPA experts can enable agencies to effectively automate tasks, streamline processes, increase employee productivity, and ultimately deliver more robust customer and citizen experiences. RPA is helping agencies effectively automate tasks to increase productivity & enhance employee experience.

What are some challenges?

Succeeding in any digital transformation initiative requires engaged employees. With firms across geographies and industries now focused on harnessing robotic process automation (RPA) and capturing its well-documented benefits, businesses recognize the need to keep employees at the core of their change efforts. Deploying RPA is a multifaceted task that must not be taken lightly.


The Benefits Of Our Approach:

Increases business process efficiency. With the highly repetitive and rules-based tasks being automated, RPA enables firms to create digital workforces that execute repeatable process steps

faster, accurately, and more cost-effectively than traditional human workers. Ninety-two percent expected faster efficiency and 86% said they’re seeing exactly that.

Automates role effectiveness. With RPA taking over menial tasks, workers can focus on what matters to the business most. Eighty- four percent of respondents said they expected to provide better customer service, and more than half (57%) said they’re already seeing these benefits today. This is due to workers focusing on more face-to-face, customer-intensive tasks instead of inefficiently focusing on other menial tasks.

Pledges to provide deeper profile of both customers and employees. The convergence with artificial intelligence (AI) means that RPA is starting to evolve further. Being powered by AI means it will be able to conduct intelligent searches even faster.