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RIVA Solutions, Inc. (RIVA) is excited to announce its participation in the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) 8(a) Business Development Program – a program designed to help small, disadvantaged businesses compete in the federal marketplace and gain a foothold in government contracting. There are many benefits of this highly competitive designation, such as:

  • Sole-source contracts (up to a ceiling of $4 million for services);
  • 8(a) BD Mentor-Protégé Program; and
  • Training, counseling, assistance and development provided by the SBA and other partners.

In January 2017, RIVA achieved its 8(a) certification after a solid eight years of company growth. RIVA’s graduation date from the program is 01/2026. In order to spread awareness, RIVA created 8(a)Connect. 8(a)Connect is a program that provides RIVA clients and partners access to a competent 8(a) with a front and back office, acquisition filters, high-quality services, competitive prices, past performance, relationships, leadership investment, and corporate culture.

CEO, Naveen Krishnamurthy regards 8(a) as a vehicle, just like an IDIQ. “8(a)Connect makes RIVA’s 8(a) available to partners [small and large] and customers as a fast, easy, trusted way to procure high-quality, low cost services. Through 8(a)Connect, one project turns into many and high expectations are always exceeded.”